Solo Ids Farmind w/mes
This is a fun build that I run when America doesnt have favor. Sprint/ Savage Slash/ Hundred Blades/ Doylak Signet/ ele resistance/ watchyourself/ Balanced Stance/ Final Thrust. (Not neccasarily in that order)
Equipment. Grognars Defender/ Shadow Blade of warding. +5 against elemental dmg. I switch from grognars to the Rankor Collectos shield when i reach the imps. Sup absorb/ Sub vigor/ sup sword/ minor tactics/ minor strength.
How to do it: The hardest part is making it to mineral springs alive. Once u get into mineral springs go right past the enemies till you reach the collector right before the giants. Start going at the giants and up in a narrow pass. Use Balanced stance so that they do not knock u down. Run past the boss and the minions at the top of the pass. Your at the cave now. Use a bow if there are trolls to lure the trolls to u. If u get some imps that is ok you will not take any dmg from them and if you do take dmg it will be about 3dmg a hit. Kill the trolls first followed by if there are any siege golems. Then hae fun killing the imps. HAve fun.
GrenthandZeus is my ingame name if u want to see it.